Happy new year!

My musical life in 2015 is off to a running start, with lots of recording projects and exciting performances in the works. I'm already in the midst of recording with both the Ye-Ye's and Come Sunday, and I'm meeting with Marlon Aguilar next week to start working on my new solo album. I've got some great musicians in the lineup that I'm really excited to work with, although there will also be some nice solo features. This record has been a long time coming, and I'm eager to finally get these songs out there. I'm working on lining up more performances; I'll be part of a quirky, fun songwriter cabaret show called Three Ladies in late January with Tisa Batchelder and Samantha Turner. I'm also looking at a return to Bogotá with Come Sunday, some more jazz duo work with Mike Allemana, and playing a role in a new musical. In the mean time, I'll be busy making music every day with my beloved students, from the itty bitty kiddos to the adult students who have become friends. In January and February I'll be doing a residency at a Chicago Public School teaching a weekly singing program with 3rd and 4th graders-- I can't wait to get started.

I wrote six new songs in 2014, and posted demos of them on my Soundcloud page. You can listen to them here. Looking back at them as a set, the main theme seems to be knowing; what is known, what is unknown, what is solid, what is questionable, what is disguised, what is discovered. I'm feeling good about entering 2015 with this clearer self-knowledge. I hope that your new year also has exciting projects in the works. May we share some music together soon!

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