Hot fun in the summertime

I am so excited for two big shows I've got coming up!

8/8, 8/9, 8/10: The Fly Honey Show 5
This amazing cabaret is an annual fundraiser for the Inconvenience Theater, and I am thrilled that they asked me to play some of my songs as part of this year's show. The talent on display at the Fly Honey Show is always astounding; the presentation is slick, the band is tight, the dancing is hot, the vibe is celebratory, and the attitude is welcoming of whatever skin you're in. It's going to be a very sexy night. I'll be performing all three nights during the second week of the run. Also, my French 60's pop band The Ye-Ye's will be playing a post-show set on Thursday 8/8, so stay out late with us and dance the night away!

8/28: Lincoln Hall
I'll be playing a full-band show at Lincoln Hall on Thursday, August 28th. It's a great venue and I want to pack it as full as possible. Steve Leaf & the Ex-Pats, Ryan Powers open. Mark your calendars! Yesssss!!!

Hope that summer is treating you well, and I hope to see you soon.

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