
Spring is here. I've had some great jazz shows recently: played at Buckingham Fountain with Come Sunday and another nice night at Angelo's with Mike Allemana. Cover to Cover is coming along splendidly. I am learning about being a curator, host, performer, editor, and podcast manager. I am also hearing a lot of beautiful, fascinating music and witnessing many remarkable human moments of connection. I just posted the podcast for Episode 3 here, and you can find the individual cover tracks on Soundcloud here.I'm looking forward to being a full-on participant once again in the June 12 show with Aerin Tedesco and Nick Davio, two of my best buds and most natural musical collaborators. 

June 12 will be a busy day for me; that morning is the Youth Music Showcase at the Old Town School, where my Young Voices classes will be performing. I also wrote the song that all classes and performers are learning and will play together for our grand finale that day. It's called We Will Sing, and it's a three part piece about springtime and Chicago and music making from your heart. It's one of my favorite things I've ever written, and I can't believe that I'll get to hear a whole concert hall full of voices singing it together. I have goosebumps already. Here is a demo I recorded with Nick Davio and Megan Vanja O'Connor, a 9-year-old long-time student of mine.

The next night, June 13, I'll be part of the Acoustic Explosion at Silvies with a group of performers who usually play for kids but are encouraged to bring out their adult material. Right up my alley. ;)  On June 17 I'll be playing my songs with Nick and Jarod at a cool DIY space called the DCtorium. 

Lots of travel and fun planned this summer: going to California, teaching at a songwriting camp in Pennsylvania, visiting friends in St. Paul, family vacation in Door County. Plus teaching and biking and good Chicago times. Living the life! See you out there.